
Showing posts from March, 2024

Week 10

 This week was spent doing the last of the scanning, and working on editing the images that we have already. Unfortunate because of technical issues the stitching has to be done after spring break, with no access to Photoshop outside of school computers it's not really doable.  Because I misplaced my laptop charger I had to use the school library computers and learned that Photoshop editing images with a resolution of 14K by 10K eats most of the RAM and CPU processing power of a computer, at least that are used in the school library, Dr.Miller said that the lab has a mac mini right beside the scanner for a reason. Once we're back from spring break I intend to work on merging the images into a PDF for Riches, and stitching the images that need to be stitched, this means the banners that take 9 images to get a full picture.  However I was concerned at first having no Photoshop experience really  that the images would still come out crooked or just But becau...

Week 9

 This week was spent doing the scanning on the multi pages items that we were unable to process last week, along with the banners. With that almost all the items in the collection that we have on hand have been scanned, I left a few undone this week so that Levi could have a change to work with the items as well. The scrapbook, provided I didn't miss anything, just now needs to be combined into a PDF to be stored on RICHES as per Dr.Lyons request, and filling out the meta data for the items that are there. The banners were a more involved process due to the size and some issues with getting the camera to work at it's upper height limit,that being it would never focus properly;  we had to split the banners into sections and next week the idea is to finish the scanning of the last three items, and provided the tutorials are accurate combine the nine images taken of the banners into one image that hopefully looks fine. Having only limited experience with Photoshop i'm kinda wo...

Week 8

 This week was a simple week, we just got the scanning done for most of the scrapbook, some items still need to be done. These are multi-page items or items that cant be scanned in the way the rest of the pages are scanned without risking damage to the items, some items cant be scanned because they are stapled into the book,and the scanning involves pressing the book against glass to ensure the pages are flat; this is impossible with such items because they would have to be bent or removed from the book and that's not a option.  Next week the plan is to get the banners done, and like this week continue to work on the metadata sheets for what is scanned which means working more on the transcription side of things. Further more what needs to be done is working on the inventory sheet, but much of the information is going to be copy and paste into the next box since there are at least 25 different yearbooks from the school and a handful of scrap books. I hope that future work will...