Week 9

 This week was spent doing the scanning on the multi pages items that we were unable to process last week, along with the banners. With that almost all the items in the collection that we have on hand have been scanned, I left a few undone this week so that Levi could have a change to work with the items as well. The scrapbook, provided I didn't miss anything, just now needs to be combined into a PDF to be stored on RICHES as per Dr.Lyons request, and filling out the meta data for the items that are there. The banners were a more involved process due to the size and some issues with getting the camera to work at it's upper height limit,that being it would never focus properly;  we had to split the banners into sections and next week the idea is to finish the scanning of the last three items, and provided the tutorials are accurate combine the nine images taken of the banners into one image that hopefully looks fine. Having only limited experience with Photoshop i'm kinda worried that the images wont come out properly once stitched together.

With this in mind, I was going to attach images of the split banner to provide a example of how these had to be done, however since they're massive files Blogger says that they're too big to attach at 430mb file size.  Had I exported them as a JPG they would likely be small enough but the TIFF file's are simply to large to attach here.


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