
Showing posts from June, 2024

summer week 6

You wouldn’t think that simply renaming a collection of photos takes three hours, but between mistakes and editing the names of 108 images, the time adds up. While the Capture One software has it’s naming scheme that follows “Session title_0XXX” meaning that once you take the pictures/scans the images are in order, when the item you’re working with takes multiple sessions that complicates things. Because you have to reset the session each time to recalibrate the LCC, or when you make changes, such as lighting, camera height, if you’re using the V cradle or not; this naming scheme means that these pictures now are not in order, or if you’re working on something that requires a different set up your previous settings now cant be used. For working on the 1947-50 scrapbook we had to get pictures of it open, on the bed of the scanner because of possible damage to the pages. But to get pictures of the items that had multiple pages we had to use the V cradle on another day, thus requiring a...

Summer week 4

  This week ultimately not much happened, we finished scanning the smaller items inside the 47-50 scrapbook. Honestly I spent more time this week preparing to lead discussion and find a paper topic for Dr.Larson’s class then we did on the internship this week. Besides the scanning I tried to set up a meeting with Jeff Cavero so that Kelsey can talk with someone more experienced with the metadata than I am, he in turn requested I look over the notes he gave us for last semester’s notes that I have not found the time to do yet. So ideally next week we will be able to meet with Jeff and work out a plan for how to split the work on this scrapbooks metadata sheet.   Once I talk more with Mike Shier the current plan is to work on editing the images so that they can be combined into a PDF, which will in turn be turned into a flipbook as last semester’s scrapbook was.   It is likely that the metadata will take a longer time with this scrapbook, it is almost a full book compared...