Week 4-

 This week was simple, we went to Howard middle school and more or less did inventory. My reasoning for this was so we could make a excel sheet that could be added to by any future work to keep track of what's done, what’s in progress and how many of each item (mostly the year books) were in the collection that Howard has. We took photos of each item just to have images prior to the real digitization to mabyte use as a place holder in either the excel sheet or the metadata form while we’re making sure everything is correct. The current plan is to meet next week in order to learn how to use the CHDR scanner so we can start the process of digitizing the banners and scrap books. However that has it's own limitations with when we can work in the CHDR, talking with a professor she can only let work be done at a time when there is staff there in the event there is technical difficulties. However we now have a confirmed location on campus where  the materials can be stored and accessed by us easily.

    Other than that I started working on a metadata form for the 64-65 scrap book that we got from Howard just to make sure we are doing it properly I plan to ask one of the employees at the CHDR to look it over once it is more complete. I also need to clarify that while we do the metadata do we do a item for each individual say news paper clipping, or will we just have one for each page? I assume it’s the former but this is something that I failed to ask the CHDR team member I talked with about the metadata initially. Something that I'd like to figure out how to do is add images to the excel sheet where the inventory is, just so there's a visualization of each item outside of RICHES, whenever it is uploaded there it wont be as much of a issue but until the items are with how faded some of the markings for dates are it just may be helpful for the scrap books to tell at a glance which one is which.


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