Summer week 3

 This week was spent working on scanning the 1947-1950 scrapbook, the news papers and other lose items that were found inside the scrapbook. Within this scrapbook were several school news papers from 1947 and 1948. There was also a school directory, this lists the names and addresses of the school staff and teachers, but also the students from I think it was 1947. This along with some small books and other items that open will have to be scanned next week using the V-cradle, as it’s next to impossible to get these items to stay open to get a picture of them. This scrapbook contained a lot more personal items than the others had, tickets to school events, photos of groups of friends with names, captions under several images. I realized after we were finished scanning that this is likely a personal scrap book of Patrica Hudson and her high school years, it covers all of what would be someone’s high school year only extending to “part of” 1950.

This then brings another question was this donated at a later point in time to the school? If so, what book was the first? We have another scrapbook (I’m forgetting the years at the moment) that discusses how scrapbooks will be handed to the next historian that contains far less personal items. It would be great if we could find the instructions on how they will decide what items go in the scrapbooks, but at this time it seems unlikely. My only assumption is that we’re missing a scrapbook covering sometime around 1951-53 that would have been the first one a school historian worked on.

The school newspapers have articles about sports, events, but also it has ads. This makes me wonder if maybe the school had a deal with one of the local newspapers that they would run some ads in exchange for a production deal.  I doubt that the school published their own newspaper with their own print shop, this would probably have been too expensive for a school. But given that workshop classes were more likely to exist at this time than we could also assume that it could have been a class that the students had similar to a modern welding or IT class.


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